Avdhesh Gaur has 5+ years of work experience with Tableau desktop, taking down various business requirements by building Data-driven Business Intelligence models using SQL, Hive, Tableau, and other Statistical data analysis Techniques.
In a nutshell, He transforms data into visualizations to help organizations understand their business operations more visually.
Avdhesh Gaur got one of his submissions to Tableau accepted & placed in their permanent public knowledge database known as "Tableau Gallery" on 7th January 2019, which in a more cooler way we call
His submissions focused on optimizing Tableau dashboards to balance appearance/functionality vs efficiency/speed.
Apart from this, He is deeply passionate about sharing his experience.
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avdheshgaur/
Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/profile/avdhesh.gaur
Avdhesh Gaur is currently working at United Health Group, where in he is responsible for creating optimized Tableau viz. , providing analytical solutions, helping out in the decision-making process for various business requirements.
In the recent past. he has be providing visual understanding, via data driven insights by developing, modifying, publishing & scheduling Tableau Dashboards & Story-lines for Morgan Stanley’s Financial Statements
He is a featured author at O'Reilly's - Safari Books Online.
"Data Visualization with Tableau in Practice" is the recent video course that he had worked on in collaboration with Packt Publishing
The same was released by the End of April 2019
He has worked on various Freelance projects, delivering data driven insights.
He is available for Pro Bono consulting & can be reached out @Linked in